Business Ethics Resources

Starting Point for Business Ethics Research

University Centers
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1 Parr Center for Ethics - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - "The Parr Center for Ethics is the public face of the University's commitment to ethics. It sponsors research, teaching, and discussion of ethical issues that are important to the university and the communities it serves. Our goal is to promote ethical development by providing the necessary resources - theoretical development, empirical knowledge, and actual opportunities - to explore and advance our understanding of ethical issues."
2 The Kenan Institute for Ethics - Duke University
Duke University - "The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University is an interdisciplinary “think and do” tank committed to understanding and solving real-world ethical challenges facing individuals, organizations and societies worldwide."
3 The Kennedy Institute of Ethics - Georgetwon University
"The Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Institute of Ethics was established at Georgetown University in 1971. Today it is the world’s oldest and most comprehensive academic bioethics center. The Institute and its library serve as an unequalled resource for those who research and study ethics, as well as those who debate and make public policy."
4 Markkula Center for Applied Ethics - Santa Clara University
"The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University is one of the preeminent centers for research and dialogue on ethical issues in critical areas of American life."
5 Center for Business Ethics - University of St. Thomas
"The Center for Business Ethics at the University of St. Thomas strives to help business people and students make good choices that benefit themselves, their businesses and their community. The Center offers ethical leadership education programs and symposia on ethics."
6 Emerson Ethics Center - St Louis University
"Saint Louis University, The Emerson Ethics Center's mission has focused on leading business practice change through: Engaging in research to understand the policies and processes that advance optimal business conduct; Facilitating authentic discourse with stakeholders on causal factors contributing to ethics issues; Sharing knowledge to advance principles driven decision-making."
7 Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics and Political Philosophy - Carnegie Mellon University
"Carnegie Mellon University, The CAAEPP is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to advancing applied ethics and political philosophy through the integration of first-quality theoretical reflection and a discerning engagement with the practical settings in which important ethical issues arise. Its members include internationally recognized scholars and practitioners drawn from a diverse range of units across Carnegie Mellon University."
8 Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics - Ohio University
"The Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics of Ohio University promotes the application of techniques for making principled ethical decisions in an ever-changing world."
9 Wharton Ethics Program - University of Pennsylvania
"Ethics teaching has been an integral part of business education at Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania for over 25 years. Wharton has been integrating ethics into its curriculum for almost three decades. The principle research objective of the program is to critically consider the context, role, and effectiveness of ethics education."
10 Stanford Center on Ethics - Stanford University
"The Stanford Center on Ethics at Stanford University promotes research, teaching, and public debate on the fundamental moral issues of our times."
11 Center for Business Ethics - Bentley University
"The Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University is a nonprofit education, research and thought-leadership organization, focused on business ethics and corporate responsibility."
12 Prudential Business Ethics Center - Rutgers University
"Rutger Univrsity, The Prudential Business Ethics Center's mission is to help create social as well as financial capital for the business and professional communities of New Jersey and beyond. The Center's programs have been designed to contribute to the theory and practice of ethics in business and the professions."
13 Beard Center for Leadership in Ethics - Duquesne University
"The mission of the Beard Center for Leadership in Ethics in Duquesne University is to promote moral integrity and behavior through ethics education and training to those who encounter, or are preparing to encounter, moral challenges in the business world."
14 Center for Business Ethics - Loyola Marymount University
The Center for Business Ethics provides an environment for discussing issues related to the necessity, difficulty, costs and rewards of conducting business ethically. The Center is particularly interested in building bridges between the corporate and university communities.
15 Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research - Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania
"The Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research is intended to serve as a focal point for the interaction of business, professional and academic conferences, and makes available working papers and article reprints relating to the Center's sponsored research."
16 W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics - University of British Columbia
"The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics' mission of the Centre is to advance the research agenda of applied ethics, conceived as the application of normative theory and social science to core issues in science and technology ethics and policy, organizational ethics, animal welfare and the environment, and research ethics."
17 Center for Ethics - Harvard University
"The Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics encourages teaching and research about ethical issues in public and professional life; helps meet the growing need for teachers and scholars who address questions of moral choice in architecture, business, education, engineering, government, journalism, law, medicine, public health, public policy and other professions; brings together those with competence in philosophical thought and those with experience in professional education; and promotes a perspective on ethics informed by both theory and practice."
18 University of Miami Ethics Programs
UM Ethics Programs foster and support a range of efforts dedicated to education, research and community service in ethics and the professions. This university-wide inter- and multi-disciplinary program has emphasized work in bioethics, business and professional ethics and scientific ethics.
19 Robert J. Kutak Center for the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics - University of Nebraska - Lincoln
An interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary resource for and promoter of ethics for the UNL campus.
20 Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP) - Illinois Institute of Technology
The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP) at the Illinois Institute of Technology was established in 1976 for the purpose of promoting education and scholarship relating to the professions.
21 Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society - University of Readlands
The Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society is a forum for the examination of ethical issues in corporate and professional life. It seeks to advance our awareness of ethical problems and to improve our ability to make ethical decisions by engaging in dialogue and instruction with practitioners and scholars from a broad range of fields and disciplines.
22 Master of Science in Business Ethics & Compliance - New England College of Business and Finance
The Master of Science in Business Ethics & Compliance (MBE) program is a first-of-its-kind in the nation. There is a growing need in all industries for competent compliance managers and also for those who bring an understanding of ethical values to the governance and operations of their companies.
23 Suggest a link
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"Will not knowledge of [the good], then, have a great influence on life? Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at, be more likely to hit upon what is right?"
-Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics