Business Ethics Resources

Starting Point for Business Ethics Research

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1 Journal of Business Ethics - Springer
"The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business. Since its initiation in 1980, the editors have encouraged the broadest possible scope. The term `business' is understood in a wide sense to include all systems involved in the exchange of goods and services, while `ethics' is circumscribed as all human action aimed at securing a good life."
2 Business Ethics: A European Review
"The Review provides a forum for business people and academics to exchange experiences of ethical challenges, to debate perspectives on ethical issues, and to generate insights and new ways of thinking about the ethical dimensions of national and global business. It is a quarterly review, which aims to promote dialogue at every level on all issues relating to ethics in business."
3 Business Ethics Quarterly
"Business Ethics Quarterly is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. This interdisciplinary journal publishes articles and reviews on a broad range of topics, including the internal ethics of business organizations, the role of business organizations in larger social, political and cultural frameworks, and the ethical quality of market-based societies and market-based relationships."
4 Electronic Journal of Business Ethics
"Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies EJBO aims to provide an avenue for the presentation and discussion of topics related to ethical issues in business and organizations worldwide. The journal publishes articles of empirical research as well as theoretical and philosophical discussion. Innovative papers and practical applications to enhance the field of business ethics are welcome. The journal aims to provide an international web-based communication medium for all those working in the field of business ethics whether from academic institutions, industry or consulting."

"The important aim of the journal is to provide an international medium which is available free of charge for readers. The journal is supported by Business and Ethics Network BON, which is an officially registered non-profit organization in Finland. EJBO is published by the School of Business and Economics at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland."
5 Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics
"The Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics is an on-line peer reviewed journal whose purpose is to facilitate the publication of research articles in the related fields of Business Systems, Corporate Governance and Ethical issues arising from these areas."
6 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
"Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: An International Forum is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish the best work produced in all fields of ethics. It welcomes high quality submissions regardless of the tradition or school of thought from which they derive."
7 Journal of Academic Ethics
"The Journal of Academic Ethics is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal devoted to the examination of ethical issues that arise in all aspects of post-secondary education, primarily within a university context. Providing a forum for the publication and discussion of original research, the journal examines ethical concerns in research, teaching, administration, and governance."
8 American Journal of Bioethics
"The mission of The American Journal of Bioethics and is to provide the clinical, legal, academic, scientific, religious and broad community-at-large with a rapid but comprehensive debate of issues in bioethics."
9 Ethical Corporation
Ethical Corporation is an independent media firm, launched in 2001 to encourage debate and discussion on responsible business. Ethical Corporation publishes a 60-page print magazine ten times a year, a daily website, and hosts business ethics conferences all over the world.
10 Business Ethics Journal Review
The Business Ethics Journal Review is a new, non-profit, open-access journal publishing peer-reviewed commentaries and facilitating broad discussion.
11 Suggest a link
Do you know a business ethics related journal that should be included here? If so, please click Suggest a link and send it to us.

"Will not knowledge of [the good], then, have a great influence on life? Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at, be more likely to hit upon what is right?"
-Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics