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Institute of Business Ethics "IBE raises public awareness of the importance of doing business ethically, and collaborate with other UK and international organisations with interests and expertise in business ethics."
Society for Business Ethics "The Society for Business Ethics is an international organization of scholars and others interested in business ethics. The Society provides a forum for those interested in research, teaching, or the practical application of ethical principles and concepts to the management of businesses. The Society conducts an annual meeting for the presentation and discussion of new research, issues a newsletter with information of interest to members, produces the scholarly journal Business Ethics Quarterly, and provides resources for those engaged in business ethics in their daily lives."
European Business Ethics Network "The European Business Ethics Network EBEN, founded in 1987 as a non-profit association, is a cross-national network dedicated to the promotion of business ethics, broadly defined, in academia, business, public sector and civil society."
Ethics Resource Center "The Ethics Resource Center is devoted to independent research and the advancement of high ethical standards and practices in public and private institutions. For 85 years, the ERC has been a resource for institutions committed to strong ethics cultures."
Ethics & Compliance Officer Association "The Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA) is a non-consulting, member-driven association exclusively for individuals who are responsible for their organization's ethics, compliance, and business conduct programs."
Ethics Education Resource Center by AACSB "Objectives of Ethics Education Resource Center are: i) improve ethics education in business schools, ii) assist management educators to achieve business ethics education objectives, iii) facilitate cross-discipline and multi-cultural collaboration in business ethics learning and research ."
Institute for Global Ethics IGE is an organization dedicated to promoting "ethical behavior in individuals, institutions, and nations through research, public discourse, and practical action". Numerous resources and articles are provided on the IGE site.
Council for Ethical Leadership The Council for Ethical Leadership is an organization that, through its diverse membership, seeks to promote ethical leadership and accountability through advocacy of best ethical practices and applied ethics education.
Office of Government Ethics "The Office of Government Ethics exercises leadership in the executive branch to prevent conflicts of interest on the part of Government employees, and to resolve those conflicts of interest that do occur. In partnership with executive branch agencies and departments, OGE fosters high ethical standards for employees and strengthens the public's confidence that the Government's business is conducted with impartiality and integrity."
E-businessethics.com "E-businessethics.com provides a source of information on business ethics, corporate citizenship and organizational compliance. The goal of this site is to create a virtual community of organizations and individuals that share best practices in the improvement of business ethics."
Association for Practical and Profesional Ethics "The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics facilitates communication and joint ventures among centers, schools, colleges, business and nonprofit organizations and individuals concerned with the interdisciplinary study and teaching of practical and professional ethics."
Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics "The Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics brings together leaders from business and academia to fulfill its mission to renew and enhance the link between ethical behavior and business practice through executive education programs, practitioner-focused research and outreach."
Center for Ethical Business Cultures "The Center for Ethical Business Cultures' (CEBC) mission is to assist business leaders in creating ethical business cultures at the enterprise, community and global levels."
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is an anti-fraud association, providing knowledge and training used to reduce the occurrence of corporate fraud. Together with more than 45,000 members, the ACFE is trying to reduce fraud and inspiring public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession.
Business Ethics Workshop Cases A set of creative commons video case studies for open use in the classroom
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